If you have ever wondered what the hell registering a domain
is all about...you can probably guessed it by now.
Registering a domain name gets you an official
address for your web site on the World Wide Web
so that the rest of the Web can find you. Like your home
address is unique in the real world, there also
can't be any duplicate addresses on the Internet,
otherwise no one would know where to go! In other words
domain names are unique addresses on the web.
Registering the perfect domain name and choosing
the right fundamental aspect of creating a web presence for
yourself and for your company. Search engines
are designed to find a site based upon content, meta tag
data, domain name, and the number of
other sites which link to your site as well as other factors.
Your domain name represents your company. You
could use your company name if it is available. Another
way to get a high ranking for your website is
by getting more traffic and that can be done by choosing an
individual item and keep attention and then design your
site specifically around that product.
If your site found in the major search engines
(Google, MSN, etc.) which is very important and
so we highly recommend you to register a name that contains
your major keywords instead of your company name.
If you are just creating a website for a local
business, getting traffic from all over the web may not be as
important to you. This is because your customers will be local
and you may want to grow your brand name in a
specific area. If this is the case, it may make more sense to
register your company name and create brand awareness
locally instead of trying to capitalize on search engine
NOTE: Keep in mind that the domain name is
not the only factor weighted by search engines when deciding
your rank. The content on your web pages and your site's
popularity (inbound links from other sites) is very important
too. However, it certainly doesn't hurt to make sure your name
is optimized for maximum results.
Here are some tips to choose best domain name:
1. Don't register the domain name that are too long
and have too many syllables if you can help it.Select
an easy name so that everyone can easily remember it.
It might be not so easy although lots of names are taken these
2. Use hyphens if your name is more than 3 words
long (unless your name includes 3 short words).
3. Protect your name by registering with any extensions
(.net, .org, etc.) This disallow people from copying
your name. For example the site name is virtualsplat.com
so other can have virtualsplat.net, org, etc.
You don't have to build a site on all the domains, but
can overturn the others to keep people from registering them.
Why does registering a Domain Name cost money?
If you want to have your own unique address on the web,
your own domain name, it will cost a few bucks
for each year you want to 'own' the name. The cost of registering
a domain name ranges from less than $10 USD to
$30 USD per year and maybe more. You can register a domain
from 1 to 10 years.
The reason it cost is because there is this central 'address
book' of all the worlds domain names that
needs to be updated and kept going - somebody's got to pay for
that! You may have noticed That we have just affixed a little
extra piece of information of the giant 'web address book'
of domains.
That leads us to provide you with supplementary information.
When you type in a web sites domain name or click
on a link to that domain name, your browser starts
asking servers where that particular domain name is sitting
and the servers are able to tell the browser where to go by
referring to the giant address book I mentioned above.
The two steps to getting your web site 'live' on the Web:
with a filter background details under our belts, we can now
go over Two steps for going live on web
Register Your Domain.
Rent some Server Space.
1. Registering your Domain
There are many companies out there that allow you to register
the domain name for your web site. Prices vary, as does the
quality of service, but at the end of the day, they all handle
the details of getting your domain name listed in the giant
address book.
2. Renting server
space to 'host' your web site
When renting space on a server so that it can serve your web
site on the World Wide Web, it is often called
'HOSTING'. Companies that provide this service
are often called 'HOST' or 'HOSTING
After you registered your domain, all you need to do
is contact a hosting company and tell them you
want to host you web site and that you have a proper domain
name. They will guide you through the process and you
should be live on the web in no time!