Domain names have to be unique and many have been slurped
up. These days, you will find many of the names you
may be interested in registering are already taken.
so you have to find
What is the difference between .com, .net, .org etc?
Practically speaking there is really no difference
these days. Search engines don't discriminate between
a .com address and a .net address. The only thing you
might consider is that people tend to type in .com automatically
since it was the first publicly know domain extension.
So when registering a domain name, we would go for the
.com first and if it were taken, we would then try for
any of the others. (.net, .org, .tv etc ...)
You probably guessed; a .com address is not the same
domain name of the same name with a different extension.
For example: is not the same place as
As such each of the addresses can be registered separately.
For increase traffic on your site you need to buy a
domain which contains information of your product or
services e.g. (If your are dealing into Steel you ca
have a domain like this will
allow the search engine to list you in the perfect category.
Using "-" between your Domain name will help
you more to increase your webtrafic.