HR Management Software

Goldmine HR Module Software Features.
when you install software on a computer there is always the risk of incompatibility and damage to the system. With web-based software, there are no such risks, since you never actually have to download and install anything on your local computer.
Candidate whole information can be stored online such as name, email Id, contact details, candidate code, position/role, functional area, source, etc. You can also upload candidate resume.
It also keeps all the records of the job requested. The head of the department or the admin will do the job request ( Which means candidate appointed, designation) etc. This all information is also stored online.
The interviewer will receive a notification on the dashboard. He/She know about the information(resume, qualification, experience, etc)of the candidate before they conduct the interview.
HR will manage the interview scheduled. Similarly, the HR also know before hand about the overall structure of interviews to be scheduled of the candidate. There is a notification on the dashboard named as "today's scheduled interviews", where the HR gets all the information needed.
It records all the calls and gives information about the pending calls too.
The software by default sends emails to all the employee including interviewer, HR, admin, etc about the event that will occur during the period. Mails will fire as per calling status, on that day itself.
The feature of PF (Provident fund) is also available here you just have to fill the form. After filling the form the candidate will give it to HR and they will send this form to PF office.
The Software also records the data of the employee who sit overtime to complete their respective work.
Goldmine HR Module Software Benefits.

100% Web Based Software
As it is a web based software you can use this software from any location and is accessible 24 hours.
No Compatibility Issues
The best part of the web based system is that you will have minimum compatibilities issues.
The software will work on any operating system.
No Need of any Installation
There is no need to install anything for using the software as it totally works on the browser.
This will help you to work on any computers without any difficulties about the data and installation of the software.
Unlimited Users
unlimited member can join the software without any extra cost.
Unlimited Locations
You can login to the software from any location and can also do sales as well as purchase from the respective location.
Unlimited Reports
We will provide you with unlimited reports whenever you require.
Unlimited Email Alerts
We can set as many email alerts as you want without any additional cost.
Instant Support
If there is any problem in the software or if any update has to be made you will get immediate support from our team.
You can directly contact to our team and they will help you out to resolve any bug or error in the software.
All reports exportable to Excel and PDF
Each report and transactions prints (Voucher Print) can be exported into Excel / Word or PDF.
User Management
Designation Master
All the user level rights will be primarily defined in designation master. You just have to link designation with the user & the rights will be assigned to him.User Master
You can create multiple users. Each user will have a unique login id and password. You can give different rights to each user based on his role / designation. You can disable / enabled any user or his rights. ?We will give you View, Add, Edit, Delete at form level.Dashboard Configuration
In this feature, you can configure many things such as charts, reports, picture as user wise accordingly. It shows the list of the designation name. e.g. Admin, Administrator.
Location Management
Country Master
In this we can store different Countries information like Country names, Country code etc. You can even edit or add new Countries information.State Master
In this we can store different States information like State names, State code etc. You can even edit or add new State information.City Master
In this we can store different City information like City names, City code etc. You can even edit or add new City information.Location Master
In this we can store different Location information like Location names, Location code etc. You can even edit or add new Location information
For Example: If you are sitting in Head-Office and your branch having different location, you can track it from Head-Office. It is soo simple...Just one click and you will get all the data.
Company Master
In this you can store various company's information. Company details like Company name, Address, Country name, City name, mobile number, etc. Then you have to save the information.
Information of the company will be mentioned here.
It mainly consists of company details like company name, address, country name, city name, mobile no, email Id, etc and Statutory details like division, account start from, reg no, remark etc.
For Example:
You have multiple companies (3 at the moment) operating at present.
Operation of all 3 company business is same.
All 3 company data will be separate.
While creating master entry if user tick on add in all company, then prescribed Company Master will be created in all three companies.Reply Master
This you can write the information about the calls done.
And you can also update the current status after receiving the call.
Vertical Master
In this you can specify all the departments entered.Functional Area
In this you can insert various department names as followed in your company.
For example - IT department, MLM Department, Marketing Department.
Source Master
In this you can store information from where you have gather the candidate detail or resume. You have to mention the source name too.
For example -, etc.
Position Role
Position role means for which post the candidate has been appointed.
Which designation he/she has been assigned should be mentioned here, you can also add position if not mentioned.
Candidate Master
Candidate master store all the information about the candidate who has been appointed for interview.
In this you fill the Information such as candidate name, email Id, contact details, candidate code, position/role, source, functional area, per month salary, current location (city, state, country) etc. You can also upload candidate resume.
Job Requisition
Department supervisors who want to hire additional staff, or replace employee who resign or terminated, generally have to complete a job requisition, a requisition is forwarded to the HR department for handling by the recruiter.
It mainly consist of Branch name, requisition date, requested by, designation, role, level, notice period, Job description, closure date, type of recruitment, interviewer, reporting to, etc.
Calling Status
It stores all the call information of the candidate.
It shows the present status of the candidate whether complete or pending.
It keeps the record such as candidate code, candidate name, source, functional area, role, mobile no, email Id, gender, Notice period, resume, interview date and time, interviewer, Follow up, schedule, follow up history. You can further print the information.
Interview Scheduled
It basically mean the structure of schedule for the interview that has to be conducted, It consist of interview date and time, interviewer, Feedback status, send offer letter, status etc.
You can also further view, edit and delete the information.
Event Notification
It is related to the events that will be conducted in the company.
This feature will notify your employee via email about the event.
It contains event date, event time, department, employee name and message.
Exit Formality
In this feature the employee have to fill the details when he/she will resign the company.
It consists of employee name, employee code, department, date of resignation, last working date.
PF Claim Submission Master
You have to fill the PF Claim Submission master to get PF(Provident Fund).Late sitting Format
Employee who is sitting overtime will be visible here or can add data..Candidate Detail Report
Candidate Detail Report will be automatically visible in excel sheet.
It consist all the detail about candidate.
Job requisition detail
Job requisition detail will be automatically visible in excel sheet.
It consist all the detail about Job requests.
late sitting format detail
late sitting format detail will be automatically visible in excel sheet.
It consist all the detail about the employee who willing to sit overtime.

You can view the following report in PDF, Excel, Word, HTML formats.

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